中文 - ZH English - EN
Hoechst 33258 analog 2 is a member of Hoechst stains, part of a family of blue fluorescent dyes used to stain DNA.
Propidium iodide (PI) is a red-fluorescent nuclear and chromosome counterstain which can bind to double stranded DNA by intercalating between base pairs.
Hoechst 34580 is a cell-permeable fluorescent dye for staining DNA and nuclei.
Hoechst 33342 3HCl是一种活体核标记染料,结合DNA的凹槽,优先结合A/T丰富的链。在A/T丰富的DNA中增强荧光强度,用于活细胞标记,荧光强度随pH值增加而增加。
Hoechst 33258 analog 3 is a member of Hoechst stains, part of a family of blue fluorescent dyes used to stain DNA.
Hoechst 33258 3HCl is fluorescent dye for visualizing cellular DNA. Hoechst 33258 is also known as bisbenzimide.
Ethidium Bromide (EtBr) is sometimes added to running buffer during the separation of DNA fragments by agarose gel electrophoresis.
Hoechst 33342是Hoechst系列中的一种标记染料,用作活细胞的核标记染料。它与DNA双链中的沟槽结合,特别偏好A/T富集的DNA链。尽管它与所有核酸结合,但其荧光强度显著增加与A/T富集的双链DNA结合时,使其适合于标记活细胞。随着溶液pH值的增加,Hoechst染料的荧光强度增加。
Tags: 细胞核染料 | Nucleus Dyes | 荧光染料 | Fluorescent Dye | 细胞核染料 相关产品
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