中文 - ZH English - EN
Methyl sinapate是从四叶萝芙木中提取和纯化的天然产物,可增加经 MMC、4NQO 或 UV 处理的 CHO K-1 细胞的染色体畸变频率。
Perakine is a natural product isolated and purified from the root of Rauvolfia verticillata.
Tombozine is a natural product isolated and purified from the herbs of Rauvolfia yunnanensis.
Spegatrine is a natural product isolated and purified from the roots of Rauvolfia verticillata.
Methyl vanillate glucoside is a natural product isolated and purified from the herbs of Rauvolfia verticillata.
Serpentinine is a natural product isolated and purified from the roots of Rauvolfia verticillata (Lour.) Baill. with potential antihypertensive effect.
Peraksine is a natural product isolated and purified from the herbs of Rauvolfia verticillata.
Pelirine is a natural product isolated and purified from the roots of Rauvolfia verticillata.
Tags: 萝芙木属 | Rauvolfia | 夹竹桃科 | Apocynaceae | 萝芙木属 相关产品
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