
Pantoprazole sodium

Chemical Structure| 138786-67-1 同义名 : 泮托拉唑钠盐 ;SKF96022 sodium;BY1023 sodium;SKF-96022;SK and F 96022;Protonix;Zurcal;Pantecta;Controloc;Pantoloc
CAS号 : 138786-67-1
货号 : A261610
分子式 : C16H14F2N3NaO4S
纯度 : 98%
分子量 : 405.352
MDL号 : MFCD01658543

粉末 Inert atmosphere,Store in freezer, under -20°C

液体 -20°C:3-6个月-80°C:12个月

溶解度 :

DMSO: 105 mg/mL(259.03 mM),注意:DMSO长时间开封后,会吸水并导致溶解能力下降,请避免使用长期开封的DMSO

H2O: 3 mg/mL(7.4 mM),配合低频超声助溶

  • Proton Pump

描述 Pantoprazole sodium is an orally active and potent proton pump inhibitor (PPI). Pantoprazole sodium, a substituted benzimidazole, is a potent H+/K+-ATPase inhibitor with an IC50 of 6.8 μM[3]. Pantoprazole (>200 μmol/L) increased endosomal pH in cells, and also increased nuclear uptake of doxorubicin. Pretreatment with pantoprazole increased tissue penetration of doxorubicin in MCCs(multilayered cell cultures). Pantoprazole improved doxorubicin distribution from blood vessels in solid tumors. Pantoprazole given before doxorubicin led to increased growth delay when given as single or multiple doses to mice bearing MCF7 xenografts[4]. Pantoprazole also has various off-label uses, including eradicating Helicobacter pylori bacteria and preventing peptic ulcer re-bleeding and/or NSAID-induced ulcers[5]. Pantoprazole sodium (0.3-3 mg/kg, p.o.) dose-dependently decreases both basal acid secretion in pylorus-ligated rats and the stimulated acid secretion induced by mepirizole in acute fistula rats. Pantoprazole exhibited both anti-ulcer and healing promoting effects on duodenal ulcers in rats[6].
NCT号 适应症或疾病 临床期 招募状态 预计完成时间 地点
NCT02170896 Healthy Phase 1 Completed - -
NCT03545243 Dysbiosis Phase 4 Recruiting March 8, 2021 Belgium ... 展开 >> UZ Leuven Recruiting Leuven, Belgium, 3000 Contact: Lucas Wauters, MD    003216342538    lucas.wauters@kuleuven.be 收起 <<
NCT00681005 GERD Not Applicable Completed - -
1mg 5mg 10mg

1 mM

5 mM

10 mM











[1]Shen Y, Chen M, et al. Pantoprazole inhibits human gastric adenocarcinoma SGC-7901 cells by downregulating the expression of pyruvate kinase M2. Oncol Lett. 2016 Jan;11(1):717-722.

[2]Shen Y, Wu Y, et al. Effects of pantoprazole as a HIF-1α inhibitor on human gastric adenocarcinoma sgc-7901 cells. Neoplasma. 2012;59(2):142-9.

[3]Beil W, Staar U, Sewing KF. Pantoprazole: a novel H+/K(+)-ATPase inhibitor with an improved pH stability. Eur J Pharmacol. 1992 Aug 6;218(2-3):265-71

[4]Patel KJ, Lee C, Tan Q, Tannock IF. Use of the proton pump inhibitor pantoprazole to modify the distribution and activity of doxorubicin: a potential strategy to improve the therapy of solid tumors. Clin Cancer Res. 2013 Dec 15;19(24):6766-76

[5]Bernshteyn MA, Masood U. Pantoprazole. 2021 Jul 16. In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2022 Jan–

[6]Takeuchi K, Konaka A, Nishijima M, Kato S, Yasuhiro T. Effects of pantoprazole, a novel H+/K+-ATPase inhibitor, on duodenal ulcerogenic and healing responses in rats: a comparative study with omeprazole and lansoprazole. J Gastroenterol Hepatol. 1999 Mar;14(3):251-7